Forms of Persuasion in Imam al-Riḍā’s Practice from the ‎Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics Concerning the Audiences’ ‎Willingness to Submit to Guardianship

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


1 PhD, Teaching Islamic Studies, Educational Department of the Theoretical Foundations of Islam, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Islamic Maaref University, Qom, Iran

2 Associate professor, Educational Department of the Theoretical Foundations of Islam, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Islamic Maaref University, Qom, Iran


The ultimate goal of prophetic revelation is to guide humanity toward perfection and true happiness. Prophets and the infallible guardians of the faith fulfill their duty of guiding humanity by conveying divine knowledge through language, which serves as a tool for speech and intermental communication. The more precise and capable language is at conveying the message, the better and more accurately it communicates the intended meaning to the audience. This is evident in the interactions of the infallible figures, such as Imam al-Riḍā, with their contemporaries, acting as a pathway for instilling the levels of the guardianship of the infallibles and preparing the audience to accept these levels. This study, employing a descriptive-analytical approach, attempts to identify and present examples of the techniques employed in Imam al-Riḍā's speech that facilitated the acceptance of his guardianship by groups, ideologies, and individuals of his time. These techniques—whose importance and influence are further highlighted today with the advancement of cognitive sciences, including cognitive linguistics—include euphemism, presenting analogies, using vocabulary familiar to the audience, and speaking within the audience’s level of comprehension.


Main Subjects

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