Social Constructs and the Necessity of Justice

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


1 Assistant professor in Allama Taba Tabaei University

2 Ph.D. Student In Allama Taba Tabaei University


With an analytic approach, we will show in this paper that basically evey knowledge, incluing the human sciences, are subjet o paradigmatic presuppositions in ontological and epistemological terms, though in human sciences, anthropological assumptions will also play an essential role such that they can affect other aspects as well. Thus, other domains of the human knowledge will be meaningful in light of its assumptions under paradigmatic developments in human sciences and the significance of philosophical anthroplogy. This could go beyond simple presuppositions and assumptions regarding the human being, producing a sort of moral and prescriptive anthrology along with conceptualizations and theorizations concerning human beings. Thus, all its concepts and their existential necessity in human sciences will be meaningful in light of this anthropology. The encounter will be the key to the production of native sciences, that is, Islamic human sciences, because Islamic theories and social knowledge can be achieved in terms of knowledge and conceptualizations on the basis of Islamic sources. Thus, along with a reconstruction of 'Allāma Ṭabāṭabā'ī's theory of social constructs in terms of a philosophical anthropology and its various layers, we can arrive at the existential necessity of justice as the central element of every human and social science in aspects of the philosophy of social sciences in the Islamic tradition.


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