The Divine Word: Medium for the Creation of Beings in Christianity and Islam

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


Associate Professor at the Iranian Institute for Research in Philosophy


In Christian theology as well as Islamic mysticism, the “Divine Word” is considered as the medium for the creation of beings. In Christianity, the Divine Word is Logos which is the subject-matter of the first sentences of the Gospel of John. In Islamic mysticism, the Divine Word is the same as “al-Kalimat al-Muḥammadīyya” (Muhammadi Word) or “al-Ḥaqīqat al-Muḥammadīyya” (Muhammadi Truth). The fact that the being of two human persons, Jesus the Christ and Muhammad, is the origin of the creation of other beings is an instance of a doctrine in religious studies which has come to be known as the “anthropocosmic vision, and is, in fact, a common mystical doctrine in all authentic Abrahamic religions. However, there is a difference between Christian theology and Islamic mysticism over how to elaborate the issue. In Christianity, the Divine Word is embodied, that is, it comes to have a body as one of the three persons of Trinity, but in Islamic mysticism, the “Divine” Word manifests without losing its exalted position. In this paper, I will elaborate this issue.


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