The Exsanguination of Ishmael and the Style of Divine Commands in Sharia

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal



In this paper I will refer to interpretations of Abraham's exsanguination of Ishmael given by Augustine, Aquinas, and Kierkegaard, and I will then propose my own solution for the paradox of moral rational laws and the laws of sharia. Appealing to Abraham's faith and trust in God's justice, I will reply to objections. All things considered, it seems that if we want to take divines commands such as the case of Abraham and Ishmael to be ordinary and frequent in sharia, this will lend us an unpleasant conception of religion. So the style of a divine command in such cases cannot be generalized to cases of ordinary divine commands. Therefore we should subject divine commands to certain constraints. I shall propose three main constraints regarding the number, the particularity of the law and the subject-matter, and the necessity of men's knowledge of the laws—these are necessary for keeping open the space of rationality in assessing the tentative laws of sharia


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