The Place of Reason in “Al-Mizan”

Document Type : Professional



In order to gain knowledge of Quran as a consistent system, one needs to rely on an exegesis based on clear resources. One of the exegeses which has achieved the Quranic knowledge through original resources, and in particular, the source of readon, is AllamehTabatabaee’sAl-Mizan.This paper explicates the exegetical method of AllamehTabatabaee and examines the necessity of employing reason and logic in Quranic exegesis, and with a distinction between the two meanings of reason, as a resource for the understanding religion and as means of understanding Quran, I wil deal with the functions of each in Al-Mizan.The main characteristics of Al-Mizan in employing reason is the observation of critera such as the distinction between comparison and exegesis, commitment to Divine bounds, and distinction between exegetical and philosophical issues.


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