The Explanation of Bodily Resurrection and Soul-Body Identity

Document Type : Professional



Some Muslim philosophers like Avicenna maintain that the bodily resurrection is not philosophical provable and thus they appealed to the sayings of the sincere (revelation), but Mulla Sadra seeks to philosophically prove and explain the doctrine of bodily resurrection which is emphasized in religious scriptures, on the basis of particular principles such as the principality of existence, hierarchy of existence, substantial motion, etc. In this paper, I will point to different views about the soul-body relation and different accounts of resurrection –in both philosophy and scriptures- and try to explain the deep and precise principles of Mulla Sadra for bodily resurrection.


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8. ــــــــــــــ ، (1379) الحکمة المتعالیة فی الاسفار الاربعة العقلیة، ج9، قم: مکتبة المصطفوی.
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