Martyr Sadr the Postulates of Probability Theory

Document Type : Professional



There are various philosophical treatments on probability theory. The most important question raised is that what interpretation(s) can be given about the concept of probability which plays the most basic part in the probability theory. Western philosophers have suggested different interpretations of this concept. Among Muslim thinkers Martyr Sayyed Muhammad Baqir Sadr offered an interpretation that can be called a “generic interpretation” of probability. It is commonly understood that any interpretation of this concept is adequate provided that it results in or at least is compatible with postulates of  probability theory. The  present article   attempts to show extent to which Sadr’s interpretation is compatible with the postulates of probability theory. As it has been shown, there are some incompatibilities between generic interpretation and postulates of probability theory which, of course, can be removed in case of some modifications in Martyr Sadr’s view in this respect.


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