Fittingness and Ontological Consistency as Fundamental Value

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal



The concept of fittingness and harmony is closely related to that of goodness and in many cases it is taken to mean goodness. The goodness of a means for its purpose is its fittingness for the fulfilment of that purpose and the goodness of something for humans is its fittingness for them. In this paper, I claim that value-goodness, and in particular moral goodness, arises from fittingness and ontological harmony, and the most fundamental fittingness and harmony that are the origins of value are the ontological fittingness and harmony between God and His creatures. There are other theories that accounted for moral value in terms of a notion of fittingness, but since they did not consider a comprehensive notion of fittingness, they failed to explain value in its most basic levels. The fittingness that I count as the origin of value is a general and absolute fittingness that obtains among all creatures and above all, between creatures and God, and in such fittingness, any creature has its own ontological place in the world and admits the ontological roles of other creatures. Such an account of value is both consistent with our common sense and can provide a compelling response to many questions.


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