Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal
Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Theology, Islamic Philosophy and Theology Research Center, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, Iran.
Main Subjects
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Mohammadi, M. (2015). Applied theology: necessity and identity (a comparative study of the failure and success of new theology or applied theology). Taḥqīqāt-i kalāmī quarterly, 3(8), pp. 69-88. [In Persian]
Mohammadi, M. (2019). An analysis of the methodology of human studies with the approach of developing applied theology. Andīshih-yi nuvīn-i dīnī quarterly, 15(58), pp. 43-54. [In Persian]
Mohammadi, M. (2021). The twelfth conference on practical theology, practical kalam, and hope. Retrieved on February 5, 2022 from v/9R4j3. [In Persian]
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Soleimani, A. (2021). Reflections on the nature and necessity of applied theology. Pazhūhish-hāyi iʿtiqādī-kalāmī quarterly, 11(4), pp. 161-176. [In Persian]
Zabihi, M. (2018). Practical wisdom from the perspectives of three Muslim philosophers: Fārābī, Ibn Sīnā, and Mullā Ṣadrā. Tehran: SAMT. [In Persian]