A Response to a Question with Deleuze: ‎What Does It Mean to Think?‎

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


Associate Professor, Department of Art Research, Faculty of Art, University of Semnan, Semnan, ‎Iran.‎


The goals of the research are to clarify the way to reach the definition of thinking according to Deleuze. To reveal the difference in his definition of thinking compared to other definitions. To realize these goals, the following question is asked: What is problem-oriented thinking according to Deleuze. with the descriptive-analytical method, the result is that, Thinking in philosophy occurs when the presuppositions of dogmatic thought face chaos. The flow of those presuppositions is interrupted. This calls for new concepts. Unthinkable is the condition of thinking; takes it out of the territory; constitutes deterritorialization. With new concepts, it returns to the territory of philosophy. The process of territorialization, deterritorialization, and reterritorialization for thinking in philosophy replaces the movement from the unknown to the known, and the logical level of recognizance is close to Kant. Horizon-oriented, path-oriented and questioning thinking has paid attention to the recalling of signs in Heidegger's view. The force of the problem of deterritorialisation and reterritorialization in Deleuze adds to Heidegger's discussion. As a result, Deleuze, by defining philosophy as a logic of multitude instead of a single and unique logic of Being, changes thinking from the the possibility of fact into the fact itself.


Main Subjects

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