An Analysis of the Immaterial Dimensions of ‎Humanity in the Quran

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


1 PhD student, Comparative Quranic Exegesis, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Qom, Qom, Iran (corresponding author).

2 Associate professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.


his article provides a comprehensive analysis of the immaterial dimensions of humanity as presented in the Quran, including rūḥ (spirit), nafs (self), qalb (heart), fuʾād (inner heart), ʿaql (intellect), lubb (pure intellect), samʿ (hearing), baṣar (sight), and fiṭra (innate nature). The central question is whether these concepts refer to a singular reality or represent distinct and independent dimensions of human existence. Relying on Quranic verses and drawing from exegetical and philosophical texts, the authors aim to clarify the functional roles of each dimension and distinguish their conceptual and operational differences. The research methodology is based on conceptual and comparative analysis, using interpretative and philosophical sources to define each term and its functions. The findings indicate that while these dimensions are interconnected, they maintain independent meanings and functions. The rūḥ, as the most significant metaphysical aspect of humanity, is described as the source of life, connection to the unseen, and human immortality. The nafs manages the body and is susceptible to purification or deviation. The qalb acts as the center of spiritual perception and divine testing. The fuʾād is identified as a locus of stabilization and solace during challenging times, as well as a medium for intuitive awareness. The ʿaql and lubb are tools for discerning truths and providing moral guidance. The samʿ and baṣar, beyond sensory perception, are instruments for spiritual understanding and recognizing divine signs. Lastly, the fiṭra is portrayed as the innate human inclination toward monotheism, truth-seeking, and morality. The primary contribution of this study lies in elucidating the distinctions and connections among these dimensions, enhancing the understanding of human spiritual identity and its immaterial functions. The research underscores the importance of accurately interpreting these concepts for a correct understanding of Quranic verses.


Main Subjects

* Holy Quran.
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