An Examination of Hadith-Based, Ijtihadi, and Integrative ‎Methods in Establishing the Sequential Order of the Revelation of Quranic Surahs

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


1 Assistant professor, Department of Islamic Studies, IRIB University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant professor, Department of Quran and Hadith, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.‎

3 Level-four seminary student, Comparative Quranic Exegesis, Kosar Islamic Science Education Complex, Tehran, Iran (corresponding author).


The Quranic exegetical style of sequential revelation (tanzīlī) requires the establishment of a reliable table of revelation order and the refinement of its theoretical foundations. This study seeks to address the question of how the three approaches—hadith-based (riwāʾī), ijtihadi, and integrative—proposed for constructing such tables, as well as the contributions of sequential exegetes, can be evaluated. A descriptive-analytical examination reveals that a purely hadith-based approach is inadequate due to the need for rigorous scrutiny of the chains of transmission and content. Similarly, the purely ijtihadi approach proves unreliable due to inconsistencies and disagreements in its outcomes. However, the integrative approach, which combines the strengths of both methods, emerges as a viable solution. By identifying shared elements in the arrangement of surahs and verses, distinguishing their differences, analyzing the content of surahs agreed upon in existing tables, and comparing disputed cases in light of context (siyāq), it becomes possible to determine credible accounts. This approach also considers various sequential arrangements in Quranic exegesis, thoroughly examines the chains of transmission, authenticates narrators, and carefully analyzes internal and external contextual clues. Thus, discrepancies are resolved, resulting in a more reliable framework for establishing the order of revelation.


Main Subjects

* Holy Quran.
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