An Examination and Analysis of Imam al-Husayn’s Position in Yarsanism

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


PhD graduate, Payam-e Noor University, Tehran, Iran.



In the worldview of Ahl-e Haqq or Yarsanism (Yarsan-Kaka'i), Husayn b. ʿAli holds an esteemed status. According to this perspective, he possesses a supernatural reality, with a diluted existence manifesting in the material world. This article addresses the question: On what basis is the esteemed status of Imam al-Husayn defined in Yarsanism? Research findings indicate that the leaders of this creed use an esoteric approach based on the principle of the manifestation of God’s essence and attributes to explain and interpret ritual stages. Imam al-Husayn is regarded as the manifestation of God’s attributes, possessing a supernatural existence known as “al-Riḍā,” and in the material world, he is recognized as an Imam. While Ahl-e Haqq acknowledges Sayyid al-Shuhada as an Imam, their basis differs from the Imami perspective. Using a descriptive-analytic method, this article explores and examines the place of Imam al-Husayn within the intellectual system of Yarsanism. It aims to investigate the origins of Ahl-e Haqq’s belief in the Imamate of Ahl al-Bayt (Prophet Muhammad’s Household) and the belief in avenging the blood of Imam al-Husayn and his companions.


Main Subjects

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