An Analysis of the Extent of Activities by Deviated Sects Associated with Mahdism

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


1 Graduate student, Level-4, Seminary of Qom

2 Professor, Department of Politics, Research Center for Islamic Systems, Research Institute for Islamic Culture and Thought, Qom, Iran.


Today, amidst the proliferation of deviated sects linked to Mahdism and the growing advocacy for the culture of freedom of belief and expression on both the international platform and within the Iranian community, adherents of these sects assert their reliance on pertinent legal clauses. They argue that the exercise of freedom in propagating and expressing their beliefs is an inherent right, contending that the restrictive measures taken by intelligence teams and judicial institutions constitute violations of these rights. In doing so, they aim to posit that the Islamic Republic of Iran adopts a dual standard in its treatment and legal proceedings concerning them. Recognizing the need to address this issue, the current article employs a descriptive-analytic approach, drawing on library data and written documents to scrutinize the extent of activities carried out by deviated sects associated with Mahdism. Additionally, it delineates three distinct spaces: exclusive space, private space, and public space. The study's findings underscore that freedom of belief constitutes an individual's exclusive space, while freedom of expression, as the boundary between exclusive and public domains, necessitates monitoring if it extends to the public sphere. Ultimately, the public space is subject to the legal conditions prevailing in society. Consequently, deviated sects associated with Mahdism are urged to organize their propagation activities, falling within the public space, in accordance with the laws of the country. This imperative does not violate the principles outlined in Article 23 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, wherein inquisition is expressly prohibited.


Main Subjects

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