In some of his works, Fakhr Razi, the well-known philosopher and Quranic interpreter of the sixth century, has presented Quranic arguments for the immateriality of the soul, which is grounded in his own interpretation of some of Quranic verses. In this paper, we will briefly introduce Razi’s view about the immateriality of the human soul, and then deal with his Quranic arguments for the soul-body distinction and the immateriality of the soul. Also with a comparison of Razi’s views with those of the other interpreters, I will show that some of the verses, from which Razi has inferred to the immateriality of the soul on his own interpretation, have no significance for the immateriality of the soul and even for the soul-body distinction.
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Zakeri, M. (2011). Fakhr Razi’s Quranic Arguments for the Soul’s Distinction from the Body and Its Immateriality. Naqd Va Nazar, 16(61), 186-211.
Mahdi Zakeri. "Fakhr Razi’s Quranic Arguments for the Soul’s Distinction from the Body and Its Immateriality", Naqd Va Nazar, 16, 61, 2011, 186-211.
Zakeri, M. (2011). 'Fakhr Razi’s Quranic Arguments for the Soul’s Distinction from the Body and Its Immateriality', Naqd Va Nazar, 16(61), pp. 186-211.
Zakeri, M. Fakhr Razi’s Quranic Arguments for the Soul’s Distinction from the Body and Its Immateriality. Naqd Va Nazar, 2011; 16(61): 186-211.