A Study of the Basic Concepts of the Islamic Civilization in Malik b. Nabi's View

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal



Studies of the Islamic thoughts with a civilizational approach should count as the highest level of introducing Islam with a rational, pragmatic and objectifying attitude. According to Mālik b. Nabī, major crises in the Islamic world, and even in humanity in general, are of civilizational sorts, and the way out of such crises and retrogressions in theory and practice is to reconstruct the civilizational ideas and objectivities in the Islamic world. An analysis of b. Nabī's ideas reveals that the civilizational model not only expresses the objective form of Islam, but also the way thinkers and scholars understand it. Much of this paper is concerned with capacities of b. Nabī's thoughts for, and its relations with, the civilizational infrastructures and structures of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. In this paper, with an appeal to Mālik b. Nabī's thoughts, I explicate the most important basic concepts of the Islamic civilization studies in Mālik's view and show that his civilizational views are effective to help Islamist currents out of their intellectual and practical challenges with respect to civilization.


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