The Potentials of Islamic Mysticism in Constructing a Civilization

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


Professor of Mysticism and Transcendent Philosophy in the Islamic Seminary of Qom.


Revisiting the potentials of the Islamic mysticism for constructing a civilization can, in addition to improving the descriptive literature of civilization studies, reveal the significance of Islamic mysticism in a harmonious civilizational system. Foundations of such a civilizational research consist in doctrines of theoretical and practical mysticism as well as the historical practice of Islamic mysticism. The main deliverance of the theoretical mysticism is “divine attributes and marriage of attributes” and the main deliverance of the practical mysticism is “proximity to, and distance from, God”. These deliverances can be employed to offer a description of the desired Islamic civilization. With respect to the potentials of civilization-construction, we can demonstrate the main place of mysticism at the center of the Islamic civilization by a transition from the basic objection of aversion from the mundane life inherent in mysticism and its doctrines to the Islamic sources of mysticism and its final doctrine of “abiding after annihilation” (al-baqā’ ba’d al-fanā’), rather than annihilation as well as elements such as khilafa bi l-Sayf (succession by sword) and the harmony between the soul. From another perspective, we will explain that mysticism can bring about fruitful results for the construction of an Islamic civilization by providing the following four elements: spirituality, a special spiritual rationality in a coherent system, an advantageous model of commitment to the Shari’a, and a special methodology of understanding religious texts (interpretation). Moreover, I will examine why the desired civilization on the basis of Islamic mysticism has not been realized, despite its fruitful civilization results.


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